NiXPS v1.5 beta 1
A small overview, and download links for NiXPS v1.5 beta 1 can be found at
If you want to participate in the beta program, send us an e-mail at beta-at-nixps-dot-com, and we will send you a personal beta key for the software.
XPS Viewer for Mac
Kristof promised you a few weeks ago that the upcoming version of NiXPS (v1.5) will have some really exciting features. Let me give you a sneak peek at one of them.
We start from a document we saved from Powerpoint 2007 to XPS, which can be viewed in NiXPS v1.5 beta 1 on Windows:

This is not new - actually it is, but it is not very noticeable on Windows. If you copy the XPS file over to Mac, and open it with NiXPS v1.5 beta 1 for Mac, you get:

Full XPS previewing on Mac: that's right ;-)
We developed our own native renderer for XPS, and as a result we can preview XPS files on non-Windows platforms in NiXPS v1.5.
This is a fantastic feature, and improves the user experience tremendously.
We're finishing NiXPS v1.5 beta 1 as we speak, and bring it on-line later this week (to a limited audience at first).
NiXPS listed on
Microsoft redesigned their
XPS information pages.
It's a good place to start when looking into XPS. It gives a good overview of the format, and provides links to the required software to be able to create and read the files.
Also included is a section called
'XPS Technology Showcase', which lists companies that are working on products and services around the new format.
Take a look
here, and scroll all the way down until you see the pink airplane - NiXPS : that's us ;-).
It's great that Microsoft supports us this way and gives us this unique opportunity to present ourselves.
In the mean time we're working hard improving the software, and like Kristof mentioned in his post yesterday, fantastic new stuff is just around the corner - stay tuned!
Graph Expo 2007
Good news. We have some marvelous features lined up for the upcoming version of the NiXPS software that I am very excited about!
Even better news: in September I will be attending
Graph Expo for NiXPS. We are aiming to release our next version around that period, so in case people are curious I will surely be able to show them there.
If you want to meet me in Chicago, to see a little demo or to talk about (Ni)XPS, feel free to drop me a line at kristof at nixps dot com.
I hope to see you there.
Labels: graphexpo chicago xps
NiXPS v1.0 Explained - Part 3 - The Extract Tool
Part 3 of the NiXPS v1.0 Explained series is
This article demonstrates the use of the extract tool. It allows you to split XPS files into the separate documents or pages it contains. Very usefull if you just want
that particular page from a bigger doc.
Happy reading!
ps. Following parts are already published, Part 4 and Part 5 are planned:
Feedback of our users is very important to us. It allows us to extend and improve the software in those areas that matter to you.
We want to talk to you about our software. What bugs you in the software, what you like about it, how we could make it more useful to you. This is important to us.
When you register your software, we can contact you and have this dialogue. But we also know in these present spam filled days that it is not easy to trust a company with your personal data. We assure you that we won't sell your data on, or use it for some other purpose, we just want to talk to you about our software. But we understand that you have to trust us on that - we really mean it.
We really
value the feedback of our users.
That's why we started an incentive plan to get to know you: if you register your purchased software, you get a
50% reduction on the price. You can contact our
sales team to take advantage of it. More info can be found on our site
Hope to talk to you soon!