NiXPS Edit v2.5 - Sneak peek (1)
Much overdue, but here's a first sneak peek into the wondrous world of the next NiXPS Edit release (v2.5):
unlimited zoom.
We modified our NiXPS rendering to support unlimited zooming in, this is extremely handy to closely inspect XPS files, and to make modifications in small paths or text.

and zoom...

and zoom some more...
ps: NiXPS Edit (&View) v2.5 will be a free upgrade for all current and new v2.0 customers
Updates: NiXPS Edit/View/Library v2.0.2

We released software updates today: NiXPS Edit/View/Library v2.0.2
This release contains bugfixes and some major improvements:
- The rendering code has been further optimized, which greatly speeds up
previewing of more complex XPS files.
- Also our PDF output is improved, it should generate smaller files
compared to earlier releases.
Download the software
hereAn overview of the changes can be found in the
changelogIn the mean time we are busy working on our next major release (v2.5).
This version contains a lot of exciting new functionality, I will post
some highlights on this blog the coming days/weeks.
GWG releases specs for office printing, outlines plans for XPS

Ghent PDF Workgroup issued a
press release in which they announce their new specifications for Microsoft Office document printing. They also outline their areas of future development, of which the following are very interesting for the XPS market:
- MS® Office-generated XPS (XML Paper Specification) files and how to handle these for
production printing.
- The more general use of XPS as a print ready exchange format between creation and production of printed documents.
I've written about the GWG before, and I attended two of their meetings already.
Their work on best practices regarding PDF is legendary, and a lot of bright folks are in these meetings. It's a good sign that XPS is taken seriously, and I'm looking forward to the work the GWG will do around XPS.
Wednesday: second day of the show

With some delay (we flew back tuesday, and arrived home friday, and tried to recover from jet-lag most of friday), here the impressions of the second (and our last) day at the show.
I started the day with a visit to
Inventive Designers. I read about them in a Belgian newspaper, always nice to meet compatriots abroad.
I did a small tour of both shows, and stepped by few booths to talk about NiXPS: XMPie, Konica Minolta, Xerox, Sharp, Canon, Pegasus, and a few others. People were genuinely interested, and I'm sure there's a lot of potential to work together with some of them in the future.
On our booth a lot of people stepped by, and we gave a lot of demo's.
Some people we only knew via e-mail and phone came by to say hi, very nice.
We also had a lot of engineers on our booth that are working on XPS solutions for companies that are not publicly supporting the format yet - which is very interesting, as it indicates that more XPS supporting tools and devices are on the horizon.
On Thursday we flew back, with a connecting flight over Chicago. We had some trouble with our plane in Chicago. The original plane had a malfunction, so they had to replace the plane which, to my surprise, they could (they have a standby plane !!). This resulted in 3 hours delay. But we didn't have to spend a night, or take another flight. So, in contrast to some sour grapes on our plane, I really give the thumbs up to American Airlines for the good service.
Tuesday: first day at the show

Our first day of the AIIM/OnDemand show is finished. It was a great day, we gave a lot of demos.
On the show floor there were also quite some booths which feature XPS in some way.
Konica Minolta is showing of their range of MFP's, of which almost all support XPS natively. Xerox is there too. On XPS Land we have PageMark, Zoran, QualityLogic and us.
An also a lot of other software companies show their support for the format too, like nuance, adlib software, etc....
There's a lot of interest in our NiXPS Edit app, and we hear positive sounds from (unnamed) hardware vendors that they are prepping XPS supporting devices.
We also did some interviews (with Seybold no less), and met some partners which I only knew from e-mail and phone conversations, which I now can finally put a face on.
All in all a great day, the response to our products is great. More and more people or aware of XPS, and are even working on supporting products!
Monday: build-up
(No, it's not a UFO, it's the convention center that hosts the show)The OnDemand show starts tomorrow (Tuesday 3/3), but as we're already in Boston, we stepped by this morning to have a look at the preparations.
It was the typical buildup chaos: builders working, gear everywhere, cars driving around in the show floor, etc...
We went to the XPSLand pavilion to scout our space, but there wasn't much to see yet - aside from a the skeleton, and a tag 'NiXPS' taped to the spot where our booth will be build (we hope).
We took the time to test the wifi, and went back to the hotel to prep our demo's and get some extra work done. Working in an hotel room is a bit weird, but with a chair, desk & wifi, one can work everywhere these days.
We're in Boston

After a long transatlantic flight to NY, and a connecting flight, we arrived in Boston today. This beautiful city hosts the OnDemand/AAIM expo, where we will be demonstrating our company and products.
Of course we will also have a look at other companies and technologies, expect some posts dedicated to the show the coming days!