China Syndrome
Half of our development team is on a trip to China. As a result it's all up to me for the moment.
On the v2.0 development front it are interesting times: 'polish-and-get-the-thing-out-of-the-door-time';
We've added a lot of new features to the software, and as always aimed for a good implementation for each of these features - but right now I'm in 'user mode'. Working with the software, and looking at it with my user's hat on (in stead of my developer's hat). When it all comes together, and you start combining stuff in usable scenario's, you always bump unto things that need polishing.
This means some more development work, but it is rewarding. It allows me to get to know the software better, learn to think more about how it should actually work, improve - and tune it.
I plan on releasing v2.0 around the 14th of december - and it's looking good, both the timing and the software!
NiXPS v2.0 Sneak Peak

We have released a first beta of our upcoming NiXPS v2.0 editor.
If you're interested in testing the software, send an e-mail to our 'info' address.
I've recorded a video which demonstrates some aspects of the new software (using NiXPS v2.0 beta 1 on mac):
Video for PC: for Mac is a lot of new functionality, key things are:
- Move tool: you can select objects, and move them
- Edit text: select a text object, and via the new Inspector you can change the text
- Delete objects: select objects and remove them
- Quick search: a quick search control in the toolbar - which starts searching through the document the moment you start typing, and scrolls + highlights 'live'
- Improved Search & Replace: replace a single piece of text
- Unlimited undo/redo: all your changes can be undone, and of course, redone
- Outline view: an outline view rendering mode, which only draws the outlines in black - ideal to spot (visually) hidden objects in the file
- Polished UI on Mac & PC: more engineering went into trying to make NiXPS as pleasant to use as possible
There are a few more interesting features for v2.0, but we're keeping these under wraps for the moment.
All in all we're very much on track to make NiXPS v2.0 into the best cross-platform tool for manipulating and editing XPS files.
Labels: nixps beta sneak preview xps editor
Schnapps & Cheese

I spent last Thursday and Friday in Zurich - Switzerland, to attend a general meeting of the
Ghent PDF Workgroup. This is a great initiative that describes itself as a 'Premiere Graphic Arts Think-Tank'. A lot of interesting people and great minds sit around the table to collaborate on creating and testing international specifications for the graphical arts business. This results in specifications best practices, test suites, white papers, etc...
XPS is an important new development in this area, and NiXPS was allowed 'observer status' - which basically allowed me to participate in the various meetings. This was unique opportunity to talk to a lot of people about XPS.
Also, XPS was discussed during the Office Documents sub comittee meeting, and I'm looking forward in participating further in this great initiative.
And about the Schnapps & Cheese ... We were invited for a typical swiss diner (kindly offered by PDF-X Ready and VSD). A cheese fondue, and afterwards a lot of Schnapps - Ganz toll!
XPS in print
How XPS will fare in professional print is an interesting subject.
The format is clearly designed with professional print in mind - the spec has all the bells and whistles. At the same time a lot of 'modern' know-how is in there to make it even more attractive (good resource management, color management, ...).
I have a history in professional print, and more specifically in the software side of that industry. I talk to quite a bit of people that work there, and I've noticed that there's a lot of ignorance, and - dare I say it - resistance, against XPS in the industry.
I'm not entirely sure where this comes form, but there are a few arguments that seem to surface quite often;
The fact that Microsoft introduced this standard seems to be enough for a lot of people to downright dismiss it. Also often people call it a 'me too' technology that solves issues that have been solved already. All in all an odd and useless format, introduced by a suspect company, which it's only purpose with this seems to be: competing with Adobe.
In my view this is not correct. And dismissing the format on these grounds is foolish.
Granted, Microsoft doesn't have a great track record when it comes to open file formats, or software in the graphical arts - let alone both.
It has a poor track record when it comes down to proprietary file formats; the amount of information that is entombed in proprietary Office file formats is probably mind boggling. But that's something that is typical for a whole generation of software vendors: Microsoft with their Office file formats, Adobe with their Illustrator & Photoshop formats, AutoCAD DWF, Filemaker format, etc... Proprietary formats protect (or used to protect) the application business, the format can only be 100% correctly opened and edited in the original application.
However, proprietary standards are a thing of the past. The 'zeitgeist' is in favor of open standards: moving away from vendor lock-in, and towards a situation where data and container is really free. It's an evolution, and some companies are maybe a bit slower than others, but it's really happening - and Microsoft is joining in with their OOXML (Office 2007 format), HDPhoto (still image format) and XPS.
The XPS format is fully documented, available for free, and licensed in such a way that it allows for royalty free implementations.
There are third parties that roll out implementations as we speak, and take it from someone with first hand experience: Microsoft effectively supports and encourages third parties in these endeavors. And also take a look at TC46; Another clear indication that the openness of XPS is not some fancy marketing message, but in stead a unambiguous indication that Microsoft actively wants the format to be open in true sense of the word.
The qualities of the format in print remain to be seen, and will also depend in large part on third party support in devices and software.
The spec however, is pretty solid. Co-authored by Global Graphics, and with the vast experience Microsoft has in supporting third-party printer hardware, this is very good specification that easily rivals the capabilities of similar formats like Postscript, PDF or PCL.
Looking at it objectively I think it's fair to say that XPS really is an open standard, well specified to perform good as format for (professional) printing.
But there's more. Or, better, XPS is more. XPS is all about printing in Windows too - this is important. XPS is a central part in the improved printing architecture of Windows. It is the spool format of Windows Vista, every print job will end up being an XPS file. This means that every application on Windows can generate XPS, just like that. So, Microsoft put a very capable printing format in the core of its next-gen Windows OS. This is not new - Apple did this a lot earlier by integrating PDF in Mac OS X - effectively making PDF creation from any application on OS X a snap.
Bottom-line: Windows, the most used desktop OS on the planet, has XPS creation and viewing ability by default starting with Vista.
To me this present a formidable opportunity to the professional printing industry. With XPS creation becoming ubiquitous, it deserves a very good look as delivery format. With XPS viewing becoming ubiquitous, it deserves a very good look as a collaboration/(soft)proofing format. And with the introduction of more and more devices natively supporting XPS, it deserves a very good look as output format.
It would be foolish no to take advantage of these opportunities.